Package: prey
Version: 0.4.4-1
Severity: wishlist
Tags: patch l10n

Dear Alessio,
thank you for packaging prey.

This morning I found the templates at the very bottom of

I think that a call for translations on
brings your package a broader audience (at least among translators).

And I suggest considering a review of the templates on
( It might help you
getting rid of lintian warning on the template.

I have attached a template file reformatted for better display of the

Kind regards

Template: prey/reporting_frequency
Type: string
Default: 20
_Description: Frequency of reports and actions:
 Number of minutes to wait before waking up Prey. Control panel users can
 change this setting later on the web.

Template: prey/active_modules
Type: multiselect
Choices: ${choices}
Default: alarm
_Description: Modules:
 Modules extend application functionality, there are two types of modules
 available: Report and Actions modules.
  * network: collect information about the internet connection.
  * session: take a screenshot, collect information about modified
    files and running programs.
  * webcam: try to take a picture using the webcam.
  * geo: attempt lo geolocate the device by using its interal GPS
    or the nearest WiFi access points as reference.
  * alarm: play a loud sound for 30 seconds.
  * alert: show the thier a short message and optionally change the
  * lock: lock the laptop from being used and ask for a password.
  * secure: delete browser cookies and stored passwords.

Template: prey/edit_config
Type: note
_Description: Finalize the configuration
 In order to finalize the configuration, it needs to choose which mode
 Prey should run in.
 This can be achieved by editing the file `/etc/prey/config' by hand,
 according to own preferences:
  * Standalone: Reports are sent directly to the laptop's owner.
    This requires user to activate Prey by generating/deleting a URL and
    set up a scp/sftp/mail server settings as well.
  * Control Panel: Reports are sent to
    After obtaining an account at
    users only need to set 'apt_key' and 'device_key' properly in the
    `/etc/prey/config' file.

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