On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 06:45:40PM +0100, Rene Engelhard wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 07:49:06AM -0800, Dave Beckett wrote:
> > This clearly shouldn't have been uploaded until raptor2 was accepted into
> > sid (1 month waiting), which is a dependency. 
> That doesn't matter. raptor might be a dependency but that doesn't help
> that redland also needs an update (and that one is not anywhere and not in
> NEW - unless raptor2)

raptor2 was now accepted.

10:54 < svuorela> _rene_: maybe we should ask ftp-people to get raptor2 fast 
10:55 < _rene_> and then redland build against both....
10:55 < _rene_> I actually fear redland has also surprises in a new SONAME, but 
it might be luck and it will not
10:55 < _rene_> svuorela: I already asked twerner yesterday(?)
10:57 -!- feivel (Michael Meskes) [~quas...@p54bbe643.dip.t-dialin.net] has 
joined #debian-devel
10:57 < svuorela> oh.
11:00 -!- glandium [~gland...@cha92-13-88-165-248-19.fbx.proxad.net] has quit 
[Remote host closed the connection]
11:00 -!- glandium (Mike Hommey) 
[~gland...@cha92-13-88-165-248-19.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #debian-devel
11:01 -!- Lo-lan-do (Roland Mas) [~rol...@mirenboite.placard.fr.eu.org] has 
joined #debian-devel
11:02 < DktrKranz> _rene_, svuorela: I can give a look at it if needed
11:06 -!- lifeng [~lif...@bb119-74-232-186.singnet.com.sg] has left 
#debian-devel []
11:06 < svuorela> DktrKranz: I haven't fully looked into the situation, so I'll 
defer to _rene_ :p
11:09 -!- chrisccoulson (Chris Coulson) 
[~ch...@w-58.cust-3601.ip.static.uno.uk.net] has joined #debian-devel
11:09 < _rene_> DktrKranz: well, the situation is as follows: rasqual was 
upload and accepted, changes SONAME and -dev package name. And on the 11th 
2-dev was
                removed, making librdf0-dev uninstallable which makes KDE, 
LiBo, ... unbuildable
11:10 -!- liable_ (liable) [~liable@] has joined #debian-devel
11:11 < _rene_> DktrKranz: that one even depends on a lib not in sid yet
11:11 < _rene_> DktrKranz: libraptor2-dev (raptor2 in NEW)?
11:12 < _rene_> so we need to get raptor2 accepted asap
11:22 < DktrKranz> _rene_: on its way to the archive

Please upload a new redland (hopefully that won't need a SONAME bump



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