On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 02:21:37PM +0100, Harald Jenny wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 01:00:51PM +0000, Athanasius wrote:
> > aptitude -t lenny-backports install openswan
> > 
> > telling it to keep my current config and it's working.
> So may I close this bug report as solved - as 2.4 is deprecated by upstream
> it may not be really feasable to fix it :-/ )?

  Fine by me, especially given squeeze is now the Stable (and I'll be
upgrading to that in the next month or so).

- Athanasius = Athanasius(at)miggy.org / http://www.miggy.org/
                  Finger athan(at)fysh.org for PGP key
           "And it's me who is my enemy. Me who beats me up.
Me who makes the monsters. Me who strips my confidence." Paula Cole - ME

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