Can you try the attached patch? I've replaced all deprecated functions. Thank you.
Somente em .: configure-stamp diff -bcr ./DUMPS/sqlite.demo_data.dump.php5 /tmp/libphp-phplayersmenu-3.2.0rc//DUMPS/sqlite.demo_data.dump.php5 *** ./DUMPS/sqlite.demo_data.dump.php5 2011-02-14 22:24:57.000000000 -0200 --- /tmp/libphp-phplayersmenu-3.2.0rc//DUMPS/sqlite.demo_data.dump.php5 2004-07-31 10:45:02.000000000 -0300 *************** *** 20,26 **** if (strlen($buffer) < 5) { // it's surely an empty line continue; } ! $buffer = preg_replace('/' . chr(13) . '/', '', $buffer); // Microsoft Stupidity Suppression $dbresult = $db->query($buffer); if (DB::isError($dbresult)) { die('Error executing query: ' . $dbresult->getMessage()); --- 20,26 ---- if (strlen($buffer) < 5) { // it's surely an empty line continue; } ! $buffer = ereg_replace(chr(13), '', $buffer); // Microsoft Stupidity Suppression $dbresult = $db->query($buffer); if (DB::isError($dbresult)) { die('Error executing query: ' . $dbresult->getMessage()); diff -bcr ./DUMPS/sqlite.start.dump.php5 /tmp/libphp-phplayersmenu-3.2.0rc//DUMPS/sqlite.start.dump.php5 *** ./DUMPS/sqlite.start.dump.php5 2011-02-14 22:24:25.000000000 -0200 --- /tmp/libphp-phplayersmenu-3.2.0rc//DUMPS/sqlite.start.dump.php5 2004-07-31 10:51:50.000000000 -0300 *************** *** 19,32 **** for ($i=0; $i<2; $i++) { print "Creating table '" . $table_name[$i] . "'...\n"; while ($buffer = fgets($fd, 4096)) { ! $buffer = preg_replace('/' . chr(13) . '/', '', $buffer); // Microsoft Stupidity Suppression if (strlen($buffer) > 1) { // skip empty lines break; } } $query = $buffer; while ($buffer = fgets($fd, 4096)) { ! $buffer = preg_replace('/' . chr(13) . '/', '', $buffer); // Microsoft Stupidity Suppression if (strlen($buffer) > 1) { // if it is an empty line, then the 'CREATE TABLE' command has ended $query .= $buffer; } else { --- 19,32 ---- for ($i=0; $i<2; $i++) { print "Creating table '" . $table_name[$i] . "'...\n"; while ($buffer = fgets($fd, 4096)) { ! $buffer = ereg_replace(chr(13), '', $buffer); // Microsoft Stupidity Suppression if (strlen($buffer) > 1) { // skip empty lines break; } } $query = $buffer; while ($buffer = fgets($fd, 4096)) { ! $buffer = ereg_replace(chr(13), '', $buffer); // Microsoft Stupidity Suppression if (strlen($buffer) > 1) { // if it is an empty line, then the 'CREATE TABLE' command has ended $query .= $buffer; } else { diff -bcr ./lib/ /tmp/libphp-phplayersmenu-3.2.0rc//lib/ *** ./lib/ 2011-02-14 22:16:35.000000000 -0200 --- /tmp/libphp-phplayersmenu-3.2.0rc//lib/ 2004-08-14 18:37:34.000000000 -0300 *************** *** 465,471 **** } $this->menuStructure = ''; while ($buffer = fgets($fd, 4096)) { ! $buffer = preg_replace('/' . chr(13) . '/', '', $buffer); // Microsoft Stupidity Suppression $this->menuStructure .= $buffer; } fclose($fd); --- 465,471 ---- } $this->menuStructure = ''; while ($buffer = fgets($fd, 4096)) { ! $buffer = ereg_replace(chr(13), '', $buffer); // Microsoft Stupidity Suppression $this->menuStructure .= $buffer; } fclose($fd); *************** *** 484,490 **** */ function setMenuStructureString($tree_string) { ! $this->menuStructure = preg_replace('/' . chr(13) . '/', '', $tree_string); // Microsoft Stupidity Suppression if ($this->menuStructure == '') { $this->error('setMenuStructureString: empty string.'); return false; --- 484,490 ---- */ function setMenuStructureString($tree_string) { ! $this->menuStructure = ereg_replace(chr(13), '', $tree_string); // Microsoft Stupidity Suppression if ($this->menuStructure == '') { $this->error('setMenuStructureString: empty string.'); return false; *************** *** 790,796 **** for ($cnt=$this->_firstItem[$menu_name]; $cnt<=$this->_lastItem[$menu_name]; $cnt++) { // this counter scans all nodes of the new menu $this->tree[$cnt]['child_of_root_node'] = ($this->tree[$cnt]['level'] == 1); $this->tree[$cnt]['parsed_text'] = stripslashes($this->tree[$cnt]['text']); ! $this->tree[$cnt]['parsed_href'] = (preg_replace('/ /', '', $this->tree[$cnt]['href']) == '') ? '#' : $this->prependedUrl . $this->tree[$cnt]['href']; $this->tree[$cnt]['parsed_title'] = ($this->tree[$cnt]['title'] == '') ? '' : ' title="' . stripslashes($this->tree[$cnt]['title']) . '"'; $fooimg = $this->icondir . $this->tree[$cnt]['icon']; if ($this->tree[$cnt]['icon'] != '' && (substr($this->tree[$cnt]['icon'], 0, 7) == 'http://' || substr($this->tree[$cnt]['icon'], 0, 8) == 'https://')) { --- 790,796 ---- for ($cnt=$this->_firstItem[$menu_name]; $cnt<=$this->_lastItem[$menu_name]; $cnt++) { // this counter scans all nodes of the new menu $this->tree[$cnt]['child_of_root_node'] = ($this->tree[$cnt]['level'] == 1); $this->tree[$cnt]['parsed_text'] = stripslashes($this->tree[$cnt]['text']); ! $this->tree[$cnt]['parsed_href'] = (ereg_replace(' ', '', $this->tree[$cnt]['href']) == '') ? '#' : $this->prependedUrl . $this->tree[$cnt]['href']; $this->tree[$cnt]['parsed_title'] = ($this->tree[$cnt]['title'] == '') ? '' : ' title="' . stripslashes($this->tree[$cnt]['title']) . '"'; $fooimg = $this->icondir . $this->tree[$cnt]['icon']; if ($this->tree[$cnt]['icon'] != '' && (substr($this->tree[$cnt]['icon'], 0, 7) == 'http://' || substr($this->tree[$cnt]['icon'], 0, 8) == 'https://')) { *************** *** 929,935 **** function setSelectedItemByUrlEregi($menu_name, $url_eregi) { for ($cnt=$this->_firstItem[$menu_name]; $cnt<=$this->_lastItem[$menu_name]; $cnt++) { // this counter scans all nodes of the new menu ! if (preg_match('/' . $url_eregi . '/i', $this->tree[$cnt]['parsed_href'])) { $this->tree[$cnt]['selected'] = true; break; } --- 929,935 ---- function setSelectedItemByUrlEregi($menu_name, $url_eregi) { for ($cnt=$this->_firstItem[$menu_name]; $cnt<=$this->_lastItem[$menu_name]; $cnt++) { // this counter scans all nodes of the new menu ! if (eregi($url_eregi, $this->tree[$cnt]['parsed_href'])) { $this->tree[$cnt]['selected'] = true; break; } Somente em .: patch.diff