Frank Küster wrote:
> Jin-Hwan Cho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Aug 24, 2005, at 3:17 AM, Hilmar Preusse wrote:
>>> I'm sending this E-Mail to the author of dvipdfm and of dvipdfmx as
>>> dvipdfm seems to be dead actually (the latest version is from 2001
>>> and in the Mail archive got 3 Mails in 2004 and none in 2005).
>>> The following bug was submitted here at the Debian Bug Tracking
>>> system. There is an example file demonstrating that behaviuor but it
>>> consist of private content and hence was not published. Please
>>> contact us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you need it for debugging.
>> Thanks for the message. I could not remember the exact version date,
>> but DVIPDFMx had no problem with PDF name containing "#" character.
>> But it is true that DVIPDFM has such problem. Because the authors of
>> DVIPDFMx have no right to fix a bug in DVIPDFM, we cannot do anything.
>> The only person who can fix the bug is the author of DVIPDFM.

Well, the /ideal/ person to fix this bug would be the author of dvipdfm.
However, dvipdfm is licensed under GPL, so it is possible to fix this
bug, if one knows what has to be done. I have no idea what is causing
these problems, though. :-(

> Of course.  Can dvipdfmx be used as a drop-in-replacement for dvipdfm,
> even if you don't process CJK files?  Are there any disadvantages?

If that where possible, it would be ideal, since dvipdfm seems to be
pretty dead upstream. My personal experiences with dvipdfmx for non CJK
texts has been pretty good, but I haven't made any extensive tests.


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