clone 613946 -1 -2
retitle -1 debiandoc2html: <link> titles should not have embedded tags
retitle -2 debiandoc2html: <a name> anchors should enclose heading text
severity -1 normal
severity -2 minor
reassign -1 debiandoc-sgml 1.2.20
reassign -2 debiandoc-sgml 1.2.20
usertags 613946 + packaging

Hi Osamu,

Christoph Weber noticed:

> When you view the HTML version of the Debian Policy with a browser
> like Lynx or SeaMonkey/IceApe (which interpret <link> elements in
> the header), you'll notice some unfiltered tags like:
> | 4.4 Debian changelog: <code>debian/changelog</code>
> or
> | 7.2 Binary Dependencies - <samp>Depends</samp>
> Apparently, <code> and <samp> etc. should be filtered out in the title
> text of the link elements.
> Another tight related issue are the anchors that serve as destination
> for those link elements.  Currently, they are declared like this:
> | <h2><a name="s-binarydeps"></a>7.2 Binary Dependencies -
> | <samp>Depends</samp>, <samp>Recommends</samp>, <samp>Suggests</samp>,
> | <samp>Enhances</samp>, <samp>Pre-Depends</samp></h2>
> There is no link text.  A better solution would be:
> | <h2><a name="s-binarydeps">7.2 Binary Dependencies -
> | <samp>Depends</samp>, <samp>Recommends</samp>, <samp>Suggests</samp>,
> | <samp>Enhances</samp>, <samp>Pre-Depends</samp></a></h2>

See for more details.  Thoughts?

The following testcase[1] reproduces the problem.


[1] Usage: "debiandoc2html testcase.sgml".

<!doctype debiandoc system>
    <toc detail="chapt">
    <chapt id="scope">
      <heading>About this manual</heading>
    <chapt id="dpkgchangelog">
      <heading>Debian changelog: <file>debian/changelog</file></heading>

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