version 1.0.36-3 Linux #### 2.6.8-2-386 #1 Thu May 19 17:40:50 JST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
Had similar issues as above in authenticating dancer-services but using different platform (i686). Documentation was misleading. In:- /usr/share/doc/dancer-ircd/README.Debian it seems to suggest that:- mkpasswd -H MD5 test would work. But it didn't for me either. However, the second suggestion of using MAKEPASS on the ircd itself did work. Also /usr/share/doc/dancer-services/README.Debian " O:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:$1$tGB2TR6X$oHzVzy1Uv/xVHTiV2NqsG0:asuffield:segj ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This field is a password hash, which you can create with mkpasswd.dancer, found in the dancer-ircd package. .... -- Andrew Suffield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Mon, 1 Oct 2001" Has mkpasswd.dancer been removed since 2001?