Package: usemod-wiki
Version: 1.0-6


Usemod-Wiki apparently has a strange problem when I try to use german 
umlauts (and probably 70% of all the other unicode characters):  Umlauts in 
words starting in upper case are rendered somehow partly as wikiwords.  
Looks as a latin1/utf8 problem to me, as the first byte of many unicode 
sequences, rendered as latin1 characters, would be an uppercase letter like 

For example, the word 'Verschlüsselung' is rendered as 'Verschl�a 
href="� class=wikipageedit>?</a>sselung' (and 
I very much suspect that the characters not rendered as I write this mail 
are illegal utf8 sequences or something like that.)

Environment:  pretty default usemod-wiki configuration file; diff against 
the file as shipped below.  The whole is running under apache2 (2.0.54-4), 
again, with pretty much unchanged configuration, on a freshly installed 
sarge machine.

Index: config
-$DataDir     = "/var/lib/usemod-wiki"; # Main wiki directory
+$DataDir     = "/data/wiki";    # Main wiki directory
-$LogoUrl     = "/usemod-wiki/debian-logo.png";     # URL for site logo ("" 
+$LogoUrl     = "";              # URL for site logo ("" for no logo)
-$RcDefault   = 30;              # Default number of RecentChanges days
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      = qw(1 3 7 30 90); # Days for links on RecentChanges
-$KeepDays    = 14;              # Days to keep old revisions
+$RcDefault   = 90;              # Default number of RecentChanges days
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      = qw(7 30 90);     # Days for links on RecentChanges
+$KeepDays    = 3650;            # Days to keep old revisions
-$UseLookup    = 1;      # 1 = lookup host names,  0 = skip lookup (IP only)
+$UseLookup    = 0;      # 1 = lookup host names,  0 = skip lookup (IP only)
-$NumberDates  = 0;      # 1 = 2003-6-17 dates,     0 = June 17, 2003 dates
-$ParseParas   = 0;      # 1 = new paragraph markup, 0 = old markup
+$NumberDates  = 1;      # 1 = 2003-6-17 dates,     0 = June 17, 2003 dates
+$ParseParas   = 1;      # 1 = new paragraph markup, 0 = old markup

-- vbi

Buy a Pentium 586/200 so you can reboot faster.

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