reopen 617207

On 2011-03-07 14:40:38 +0100, Laurent Fousse wrote:
> Hello,
> * Adam D. Barratt [Mon, Mar 07, 2011 at 01:37:44PM -0000]:
> > On Mon, March 7, 2011 08:20, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> > > libecm-dev depends on libgmp3-dev (now replaced by libgmp10-dev),
> > > thus is not installable.
> > 
> > fwiw, libgmp10-dev Provides: libgmp3-dev (and libgmp-dev).  The specific
> > issue in this case is that libecm-dev's dependency is versioned, and thus
> > not satisfied by the virtual package.
> Thank you both for the report and additionnal information. I'll just
> update ecm to use the new libgmp-dev package.

There's still the same problem, probably because libgmp-dev is a
virtual package too. The new package is libgmp10-dev.

# apt-get install libecm-dev
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 libecm-dev : Depends: libgmp-dev (>= 4.2.dfsg-1)
E: Broken packages

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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arénaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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