Il giorno mar, 08/03/2011 alle 16.33 +0000, Miguel Colon ha scritto:
> Package: ihu
> Version: 0.6.0-2
> Tags: squeeze wheezy sid
> Hello:
> Step to reproduce using ihu version 0.6.0-2 :
> 1) Open a terminal window and run ihu from it.
> 3) Hit the X button in the upper-right corner of the window
> 4) The window gets closed but the process is still running.
> 5) Send a SIGINT to force termination
> Results:
> $ ihu
> ^CSIGINT caught. Terminating...

Hi Miguel,

this is the normal behavior of IHU.

When "show tray icon" in Options --> Settings ---> General is checked
the X button hides the program interface. You can change this unchecking
that option.

Let me know if it worked and if I can close the bug.

Andrea Capriotti <>

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