Hi Patrick;

Because of toolchain changes, the current version of syncevolution no
longer builds in debian unstable. Also, because the evolution libraries
in unstable are now the 2.32 series, it seems that it doesn't work well,
even if we tweek build flags to get it to build; similarly building
syncevolution 1.1 against the new libsynthesis doesn't seem to yield a
functional syncevolution.

So after going through a few permutations, I am left with the following

1) Let syncevolution be removed from testing (this is policy for
packages that won't rebuild from source). This would mean that new
installs of testing would have to get syncevolution from experimental if
they wanted it.  There is nothing permanent about removing syncevolution
From testing at this stage in the release cycle; it will inconvenience a
few users, but only (some of) those doing new installs of testing during
the interval it is missing. Realistically this interval will probably be
the time until you bless a release as stable, plus a few weeks.

2) Push the pre-release into testing. I can fix the library
version dependencies, but the other rough edges to the upgrade process
would remain. And of course, it is a pre-release version.

Do you have a preference for which option I choose?


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