reopen 613491

On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 02:54:12PM +0000, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
> On -10/01/37 20:59, Craig Sanders wrote:
> > reopen 613491
> > thanks
> Reopening RM bugs is pointless... we can't remove a package twice :)

the point is that it shouldn't have been removed.

undo, rather than redo.

> > gdm3 is NOT an adequate replacement for gdm. useful features that are
> > readily apparent and easily configurable in gdm are either missing
> > completely or hidden in gdm3.
> File bugs (ideally upstream).

pointless. gnome's obsession with over-simplification of software is
exceeded only by their refusal to see any other POV, their willingness
to censor/delete bug reports that point out the problems caused by their
short-sighted decisions and ban from their bugzilla people who submit

> > OK, the actual issues here are Gnome's fault but prematurely removing
> > gdm from debian is debian's fault.
> No, it's not.

yes it is. was there any actual need to remove gdm? it has existed in
the debian repository alongside gdm3 for ages. it doesn't conflict with
the current gnome libs (it's still installed and working on systems
built before gdm was removed).

> You have three options. Fork gdm, become upstream for it, and get it packaged.

why should that be necessary?  gdmm still works, there was no need to remove it.

> Help improve gdm3. 

impossible.  would conflict with the gnome obsession with over-simplification
and cretinisation of software. 

> Or switch to something else. 

what else?

kdm?  i don't want to have all the kde libraries running as well as the gnome
libraries just to have a login screen.

xdm, or wdm? ancient - are they even maintained upstream any more? do
they offer a choice of window manager and/or session manager at login

slim? that's even more minimalist than gdm3.

so your suggestion to work around the fact that gdm3 is an inadequate 
for gdm is to use some other inadequate replacement for gdm.  

i prefer option four: submit a bug report to debian saying that the removal of
gdm from debian was a mistake and should be reversed.


craig sanders <>

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