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Am 07.10.2008 21:32, schrieb Filipus Klutiero:
> Package: network-manager
> Version: 0.6.6-2
> Severity: important
> When the Ethernet plug is not connected, network-manager is not 
> connected, despite the availabity of a broadcasted unencrypted 802.11g 
> network. This happens on 2 machines on 2 tested. Both machines are 
> laptops with one Ethernet card for eth0 and one 802.11g card for wlan0.

Can you still reproduce this issue with an up-to-date squeeze or sid system?

In that case, please send me the output of nm-tool, and the output of
NetworkManager --no-daemon --log-level=debug

when you try to establish a connection to the open wireless network.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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