severity 618932 important


On šeštadienis 19 Kovas 2011 19:37:53 Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> Package: cmake
> Unlike autoconf, cmake doesn't use the linker to find libraries.

Well, then probably it should. Do you know the details how autoconf does it?

> This patch adds support for multiarch library directories to cmake.  It
> also needs a runtime dependency on dpkg-dev.

That's the problem I have with this patch - it depends on dpkg-dev. I believe 
this might make it unacceptable for upstream. I don't think cmake upstream can 
afford to ignore Debian or Ubuntu so they will eventually have to implement 
something to support our configuration. So it would be better if we worked 
with them from the start, then nobody would need to reinvent the wheel and 
everybody would be happy.

However, I don't have much clue about multiarch at the moment. Technical 
details are sparse and required dpkg-dev is not even available in unstable. 
Neither debhelper is able to handle it yet. Therefore, I prefer to wait until 
dust settles down a bit and get things right.

Modestas Vainius <>

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