Am 20.03.2011 14:34, schrieb Florian Kriener:
> On Sunday 20 March 2011 13:12:26 Michael Biebl wrote:
>> Do you have any special setup (cryptsetup, LVM, partition layout like
>> /usr on a separate partition)?
> My setup is this: One hdd with two partitions 
> sda1: /boot, ext2
> sda2: luks encrypted with lvm on top and two lvs for / and /home, both        
>       ext4

Any special cryptsetup options? Or is this a standard LVM+cryptsetup
installation as setup by the debian-installer?

In your initial email you had
"Starting /tmp..."

which looks like /tmp would be on a different partition?

>> Could you boot with systemd.log_level=debug and
>> systemd.log_target=kmsg please and check if that reveals more. It's
>> most likely not a rsyslog related issue. "Logging Daemon" is
>> systemd's internal logger service provided by
>> systemd-logger.service.
> You are right. This has nothing to to with rsyslog. The kernel command 
> line I used was the above and it did not show more. However...

Have your removed "quiet" from the command line?
with systemd.log_level=debug you should get a a *lot* more output.

>> My guess is that systemd is waiting for some devices to show up. You
>> could wait for at least a minute to wait for the timeout and check
>> if the boot process continues.
>> If you then can login, check the status with systemctl list-jobs and
>> systemctl --full --all | grep failed.
> I took your advice went for a shower and a shave after fiering up a 
> systemd boot. When I came back I found, that there must have been some 
> timeout and the boot process had continued. However, the next message 
> wasn't very comforting: Apparently systemd failed to start udev. The 
> rest of the messages was more or less irrelevant and I don't remember 
> them. Logging in was not possible.
>> If you are able to connect to your system via a serial console to the
>> a full log of the boot process, that would be most helpful.
> Sadly, that is not possible as my notebook misses a serial interface. 
> But I could present you with some hand made screen captures (aka digital 
> still images) if that could help you. I don't see a lot of usefull stuff 
> though.

Try to explain in as much detail as possible how your installation differs from
a standard installation, and custom configurations.

Having screenshots of the boot process would be fine. Don't forget to get as
much of the scrollback as possible.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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