Hilko Bengen (ben...@debian.org) wrote:

> > So freemind asks for converting old config file format and asks for
> > converting my last opened mindmap but then does not start at all.
> Uh, this is bad. :-(
> Is the bug reproducable using only the old config file and without the
> contents of the last opened mindmap?

While your email was written, I submitted further information too

Here is additional analysis:

I removed ~/.freemind completely and tried to open one of my former
mindmaps. So clean config, probably old mm-file-format.

Then I get:

| vk@gary ~2d % freemind test.mm
| Checking Java Version...
| java.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/vk/.freemind/auto.properties (No such 
file or directory)
|         at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
|         at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:137)
|         at 
|         at freemind.main.FreeMindStarter.main(FreeMindStarter.java:56)
| Panic! Error while loading default properties.
| [and freemind loads forever]

Interesting fact: freemind asks for converting the document format *after* the
panic message was written to stdout.

I also attached my test mm file.


Attachment: test.mm
Description: application/freemind

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