On Wed, 23 Mar 2011 14:15:09 +0000 Debian Bug Tracking System wrote:

> Hi Francesco,

Hi Adam!

> elmergrid/acx_metis.m4:
> As you indicate, linking GPL objects with QPL objects creates a derived
> work which violates the copyright of the GPL objects.  That's not what's
> happening here.  The file acx_metis.m4 is an m4 script, not a binary, so
> there is no combined derived work, and no GPL violation.

OK, so there's no GPL-compatibility issue, thanks for clarifying!

Can we address the non-freeness of QPL-licensed files, though?
As I said, there are a number of precedents of QPL-licensed works that
were considered unsuitable for main.

> ElmerGUI, Open CASCADE and readline/UMFPACK:
> % ldd /usr/bin/ElmerGUI.real | grep readl
> % ldd /usr/bin/ElmerGUI.real | grep umfp
> There is no link to readline or umfpack, so there is no problem.
> Binary linkages:
> ElmerGUI.real -> opencascade libraries
> matc -> readline
> GebhardtFactors, ElmerSolver, ElmerSolver_mpi, ViewFactors -> umfpack

This clarifies the situation, thanks a lot.

> Thanks for your concern.

Thanks to you for your kind reply.

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