On Tue, 22 Mar 2011 07:39:40 +0100, martin f krafft <madd...@debian.org> wrote:
> also sprach micah anderson <mi...@riseup.net> [2011.03.22.0047 +0100]:
> > > So, removing the
> > >     update_rc "-f", @resource[:name], "remove"
> > > line before "enable" should be fine.
> > 
> > This does seem like it might work, although I'm concerned about the
> > corner cases, and:
> > 
> > > However, I'm not sure how that would interact with systems upgraded from
> > > lenny. I'll check that and get back to you, hopefully soon.
> > 
> > this as well. Please do get back as soon as you test this.
> For the case that the links were previously removed, why not call
> update-rc.d with 'defaults' before enable. This will not do anything
> if the links exist, but it will install default links if they do not
> exist.

The proposed fix is similar to what you and Faidon have suggested, along
with some tests. Unless someone screams really soon, this is going to be
the upstream change, so take a second and have a look:



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