Package: libmatthew-java
Version: 0.7.2-1
Tags: patch

The package uses absolute paths for entries in the package class path
whereas it should be using relative paths.  This results in a compiler
warning, though AFAICT the package works correctly.

This problem is very similar to a bug that I just reported against the
libdbus-java package (no bug number yet assigned).

[This bug was originally discovered under Ubuntu lucid (10.04.1) using
libmatthew-java version 0.7.2-1 and openjdk-6-jdk version
6b18-1.8.1-0ubuntu1.  I originally reported the bug to Ubuntu [1].
Based on looking at the debian/rules file in the source package, the
same problem is present in Debian version 0.7.3-1 of the package (I
haven't looked at other versions).]

The problem is that the rules file adds some jar dependencies to the
package's Class-Path using absolute paths, whereas (e.g., according to
[2]) relative paths should be used. I have attached a patch that fixes
the problem.



Michael Haggerty

diff -ur libmatthew-java-0.7.2-orig/Makefile libmatthew-java-0.7.2/Makefile
--- libmatthew-java-0.7.2-orig/Makefile	2010-12-14 09:40:37.000000000 +0100
+++ libmatthew-java-0.7.2/Makefile	2010-12-14 09:42:33.000000000 +0100
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 	(cd classes; $(JAR) cf ../$@ cx/ath/matthew/io/*class)
 unix-$(UNIXVER).jar: .classes
 ifeq ($(DEBUG),enable)
-	echo "Class-Path: $(JARDIR)/debug-$(DEBUG).jar" > Manifest
+	echo "Class-Path: debug-$(DEBUG).jar" > Manifest
 	echo "Class-Path: " > Manifest
@@ -91,11 +91,11 @@
 debug-enable-$(DEBUGVER).jar: cx/ath/matthew/debug/Debug.jpp
 	make .enabledebug
-	echo "Class-Path: $(JARDIR)/hexdump.jar" > Manifest
+	echo "Class-Path: hexdump.jar" > Manifest
 	(cd classes;jar cfm ../$@ ../Manifest cx/ath/matthew/debug/*.class)
 debug-disable-$(DEBUGVER).jar: cx/ath/matthew/debug/Debug.jpp
 	make .disabledebug
-	echo "Class-Path: $(JARDIR)/hexdump.jar" > Manifest
+	echo "Class-Path: hexdump.jar" > Manifest
 	(cd classes;jar cfm ../$@ ../Manifest cx/ath/matthew/debug/*.class)
 .enabledebug: cx/ath/matthew/debug/Debug.jpp 
 	mkdir -p classes
Only in libmatthew-java-0.7.2: Makefile~

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