On måndagen den 4 april 2011, you stated the following:
> after upgrade of lsh-server the file /etc/default/lsh-server gets
> overwritten, i.e. stuff like port and interface specifications and
> other commandline parameters. if lshd runs on a port other than 22
> there will be no possibility to login after an upgrade (because
> there will likely be a firewall), if it should not listen on
> all interfaces it will etc...
> please don't do that! (it has alrady happened the last three times)

Apparently my predecessor(s) intended for /etc/default/lsh-server to be 
editable, but didn't get that to work well together with debconf, so at the 
moment you have to use dpkg-reconfigure to make the configuration stick, 
despite what the comment in the file says. Thanks for letting me know; I 
hadn't thought about that.

Magnus Holmgren        holmg...@debian.org
Debian Developer 

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