Hi Jan!

On Thu, 14 Apr 2011 15:21:31 +0200, Jan Hauke Rahm wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 03:13:27PM +0200, Luca Capello wrote:
>> On Thu, 14 Apr 2011 10:11:48 +0200, Jan Hauke Rahm wrote:
>> > So what's the status of this? I need bacula and want to help (just
>> > requested to join),
>> Just out of my curiosity, do you strictly need 5.0.3 (the current
>> upstream version) or could you work with 5.0.2 (the one currently in
>> Debian)?  I am simply asking because if 5.0.3 is *necessary* for most of
>> the users, maybe we should ask for it as a stable-proposed-update,
>> instead of simply relying on backports.d.o.
> No, or to be more clear: I didn't check yet. I'm still running lenny
> systems with bacula. Considering #606262, I'm not going to upgrade
> before I tested that and possibly even worked on a lenny-update to fix
> that.

Good point, I have not checked all the bugs in the BTS yet.

About #606262, I think we should start integrating the provided script
with the Debian package and then different people (I would say at least
three) should test the upgrade path on different machines and
configurations.  I just replied to the bug, including the upstream
bacula-user@ mailing list for comments.  Anyway, IMHO this is not a
showstopper for a new Bacula version in sid ;-)

>> For sure we are interested, the more people are looking at a package the
>> better it is, but there is an overlapping effort going on: José planned
>> to prepare an update version for this week-end, so I guess you should
>> contact him and check to not do any duplicate work anymore.
>> I have not done anything yet, given that José promptly replied me (in
>> private), so I decided to let him doing the work and jump in later.  I
>> have some complaints/improvements in my head, I will come back ;-)
> Okay, I'm in contact with him. Seems, I'm the only one who's commited
> anything yet. As soon as I have a git history that doesn't need rebasing
> anymore, I'll push it to alioth.

Thank you very much.

BTW, please note that I already set up the Git repository to push
commit notices to the pkg-bacula-commits@ mailing list ;-)

> Then I hope you're alright with my changes and we can go on from
> there...

Well, Debian is a do-ocracy, so you are entitled to any change as much
as I am, thus please go on!

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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