Package: graphviz
Version: 2.26.3-5
Severity: minor
Tags: patch

A little pedantery regarding boldface usage in 'dot.1',
as well as a missing line break.

Best regards.
Description: Minute typesetting improvements.
 A missing line break, and some inconsistent
 use of boldface characters.
 Write the names of executable in boldface when
 referencing to them in the section "See also".
Author: Mats Erik Andersson <>
Last-Update: 2011-04-14

--- graphviz-2.26.3/cmd/dot/dot.1.debian	2011-04-14 17:01:12.000000000 +0200
+++ graphviz-2.26.3/cmd/dot/dot.1	2011-04-14 17:31:06.000000000 +0200
@@ -191,16 +191,17 @@
 default attributes.
 \fBn0 [\fIname0=val0,name1=val1,...\fB];\fR
 Creates node \fBn0\fP (if it does not already exist)
 and sets its attributes according to the optional list. 
-\fBn0 \fIedgeop\fR n1 \fIedgeop\fR \fI...\fB \fIedgeop\fR nn [\fIname0=val0,name1=val1,...\fB];\fR
+\fBn0 \fIedgeop\fR n1 \fIedgeop\fR \fI...\fB \fIedgeop\fR nn \fB[\fIname0=val0,name1=val1,...\fB];\fR
 Creates edges between nodes \fBn0\fP, \fBn1\fP, ..., \fBnn\fP and sets
 their attributes according to the optional list.
 Creates nodes as necessary.
-[\fBsubgraph \fIname\fB] { \fIstatement\(hylist \fB}\fR
+[\fBsubgraph \fIname\fR] \fB{ \fIstatement\(hylist \fB}\fR
 Creates a subgraph.  Subgraphs may be used in place
 of \fBn0\fP, ..., \fBnn\fP in the above statements to create edges.
@@ -703,13 +704,7 @@
 on\(hyline reference pages. Most of these documents are also available in the
 \fIdoc\fP and \fIdoc/info\fP subtrees in the source and binary distributions.
+.BR dotty (1), tcldot (n), xcolors (1), libgraph (3).
 E. R. Gansner, S. C. North,  K. P. Vo, "DAG \(hy A Program to Draw Directed Graphs", Software \(hy Practice and Experience 17(1), 1988, pp. 1047\(hy1062.

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