reassign 539737 reportbug
tag 539737 -moreinfo pending

I'm reassigning this bug to reportbug because I haven't received a reply
after 10 days and I believe that this is not a mutt bug.

Please see my last correspondence for the details; long story short:
mutt supports RFC-1522 encoded headers but -H does not support the
inclusion of the Content-Transfer-Enconding header, therefore
'quoted-printable' cannot be specified.

mutt will *always* transcode your headers to a charset which is
determined by an internal heuristic based on the inspection of your
locale settings, unless you specify 'set charset=xxxxx', in that case
the draft passed with -H will be transcoded to that charset.

AFAIK there is no way to pass RFC-1522 encoded headers with a draft.


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