Here are 2 init scripts sent by Ɓukasz (radicale.init +
radicale.default) and Nicolas (radicale). I've never written any init
script, but they seem to work quite well. Nicolas just said that his
version was not working if "start" was called twice: the pid of the
process does not change, but the pid in the pid file changes.

With the two solutions, start-stop-daemon needs to deamonize Radicale
(with --background), as Radicale does not give the good pid when it is
launched with the --daemon option.

Another init script has already been written for gentoo, but I'm not
sure that it's useful for you. I can send it if needed.

Attachment: radicale
Description: application/shellscript

# path to script
# DAEMON=/usr/bin/

# user and group to run as
# USER=nobody
# GROUP=nogroup

Attachment: radicale.init
Description: application/shellscript

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