Thomas Hood wrote:
> Sorry to bother you about this again, but it occurs to me now
> that this would be even better:
> #!/bin/sh
> # Resolvconf packaging event hook script for the dnsmasq package
> case "$1" in
>   install) invoke-rc.d dnsmasq restart ;;
> esac
> That is, instead of restarting dnsmasq on removal of resolvconf,
> do nothing.
> When resolvconf is removed it leaves the contents of both
> /etc/resolv.conf and /var/run/dnsmasq/resolv.conf unchanged.
> If dnsmasq isn't restarted then it will carry on happily
> resolving names using the nameserver addresses provided to it
> by resolvconf in the past.  When dnsmasq is restarted, however,
> it notices that resolvconf is gone and no longer reads
> /var/run/dnsmasq/resolv.conf.  /etc/resolv.conf contains only
> "" so name service is kaput from that point on.
> I see no reason to hasten the arrival of this unhappy fate,
> do you?
> (It is precisely because of this problem that resolvconf 1.55
> puts up a debconf note on removal, advising the admin to reboot
> the machine.
> A theoretically more "correct" solution to this problem is
> for suppliers of nameserver information to add their info
> back into /etc/resolv.conf when resolvonf is removed.  But
> we know that this will never happen.)

Hmmm. Do we just detonate the bomb, or leave it around to explode later?

I think, given the debconf note telling the admin about the bomb, later
is probably better. Change made.



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