On Thu, 08 Sep 2005 10:11:21 +0800 James 'Ender' Brown wrote:

> It wouldn't exactly be 'easy' to fix.

I'm having a hard time in understanding how a few string substitutions
can be considered "not easy"... Maybe the reason is that I do *not* have
any clue about the game data format of _Beneath a steel sky_...  :-( 
But, if substituting a string with another one is so difficult, I'm
beginning to think that this format is awfully designed.  :-(  Are we
sure that we have the actual preferred form for modification of the game

> A large number of hacks would
> have to be added to work around all the various instances of dialog vs
> subtitle mismatchng.

Well, I'm not suggesting that *every* single little discrepancy should
be fixed.
What I'm concerned about is just this big one: I noticed other little
differences in the letter between speech and subtitles, but this one is
a difference in the *meaning*.

The fact that there are many other negligible bugs should not be an
excuse for not fixing a minor, but not negligigle one.

> As I stated before, the inconsistency (by design or not) is part of
> the package... A lot of dialog lines don't match the subtitles
> exactly, and we have no intention to fix this upstream.

As I said above, please fix just this one...  :)

> Actual game BUGS are a different matter, but we do not consider this
> to be a bug.

I'm trying hard to see it as a feature, but... no luck yet!   ;-)

    :-(   This Universe is buggy! Where's the Creator's BTS?   ;-)
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