On 9/9/05, Thomas Bushnell BSG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Package: reportbug
> Version: 3.17
> Severity: wishlist
> The blocking bugs feature is wonderful!  Thanks for the work in getting
> it going.
> When bug A blocks bug B, I would like it if, when bug A gets closed, an
> automatic email is sent to bug B notifying of that fact.  I find it useful
> to mark blocking entries when a bug I'm responsible for becomes blocked by
> one that someone else is responsible for, and it would be very convenient
> if, when they close their bug, I get an email that automatically notifies me
> that I can now start working on my bug which had been blocked.
> Right now, there isn't a cheap and convenient way to do this; I have to keep
> rechecking, which could be painful as the number of such cases grows.

I think this one is either for bugs.debian.org or debbugs (not
reportbug), but I can never remember which one you're supposed to
assign stuff like this to...

Chris Lawrence - http://blog.lordsutch.com/

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