On Wed, 2011-06-29 at 03:35 +0100, Ben Hutchings wrote:

> Please could yo test some of the earlier versions from
> <http://snapshot.debian.org/package/linux-2.6/> to find which was the
> last working version?
> > When I boot with 2.6.39 or 2.6.38 the screen goes
> > black after I select the kernel in grub.  Nothing ever comes up.  
> > cntl-alt-f1
> > does nothing.  This happens whether I have modeset=1 or 0.  I have a radeon
> > graphics card.
> [...]
> What if you select the 'recovery mode' menu item?  Do you see any
> messages from the kernel?
> Ben.

I will try the earlier versions when I get a chance.  It may not be very
soon since that computer is at my church and I will be on vacation for a
week.  By the way, since I will be using snapshot, is there a config
file for APT that I can put something to handle the snapshots being
expired?  See bug 595801.  It is a pain when going to snapshot in
synaptic and getting the release file expired message.  I drop out to
the command line and do apt-get -o 'Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false'
update from the command line to get around it.

recovery mode does not work either.  Still an endless black screen after
grub with no messages from the kernel.


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