* Francesco Poli

> I'm attaching it, so that you (i.e. Tore), Ender and any Debian BTS
> visitor can see for themselves.

  Swedish subs:

    Rob:  Hur gör jag för att komma ut ur staden?
    Cool: Har du hört talas om AVLOPP?
    Rob:  Menar du inte AVHOPP?
    Cool: Öhh? Var det inte DET jag sa?
    Rob:  Jag frågade hur man KOM UT ur staden...
          ...inte om nåt KLOAKSYSTEM.
    Cool: Du pratar STRUNT!
          ...och hur som helst så KAN du inte lämna staden.
          Resor är i princip FÖRBJUDNA.

  My translation:

    Rob:  What do I do to get out of town?
    Cool: Have you heard speak of DRAINS?
    Rob:  Don't you mean DEFECTION?
    Cool: Uhh? Was THAT not what I said?
    Rob:  I asked how one GOT OUT of town...
          ...not about any SEWER SYSTEM.
    Cool: You're talking NONSENSE!
          ...and in any case you CAN not leave town.
          Travels are in principle FORBIDDEN.

  Although they don't match entirely, I'm assuming the translator felt
 it was more important to keep the similarity between the word all the
 confusion is about (avlopp<->avhopp and defecation<->defection), than
 to ensure that the meaning was unchanged.  I guess keeping the
 similarity while at the same time not changing the meaning at all would
 be impossible in Swedish.

  In any case, I've send an email to Tony Warriner of Revolution
 Software and have asked him if he can remember any reason for the
 discrepancy.  Mayhap there's some jolly story behind it.

Tore Anderson

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