clone 632305 -1
reassign -1 quilt
retitle -1 quilt: please support inclusion of files in series files
block 632305 by -1
tag 632305 + wontfix


On Fri, 01 Jul 2011, Iain Lane wrote:
> Currently the management of vendor-specific patches is a bit
> suboptimal in the case where there are common (base) patches in
> addition to some vendor ones. One can easily imagine this occurring
> when, for example, there are bug fix patches which will apply to all
> builds in addition to some UX customisation patches that may be vendor
> specific. Maintainers have to duplicate all of the base patches in
> their series files, which is both error prone and a waste of effort.

It's not so horrible either. :)

> Conceptually the base patches (base.series) would be applied first and
> then the vendor-specific patches on top of these (debian.series).
> I realise that quilt doesn't support multiple series files, so the
> implementation wouldn't be straightforward, but nevertheless I think
> this would be a valuable thing to do.

On the contrary, it would really be easy to do it that way on the
dpkg-source side but it would also mean that maintainers can no
longer use quilt to manipulate the patch set and this is not
acceptable IMO.

Thus I'm not going to implement this feature in dpkg until quilt
has been updated to cope. And something that is doable on the quilt side
would be to support some sort of inclusion mechanism.

You would have debian/patches/ubuntu.series:
#include base.series

When quilt supports something like this, I'll fix dpkg-source
to support the same thing.

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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