Am 10.06.2011 17:03, schrieb Pino Toscano:

> Sources that can be binNMU'ed:
>   apvlv (poppler-glib)
>   auto-multiple-choice (poppler)
>   cups (poppler)
>   epdfview (poppler-glib)
>   gambas2 (poppler)
>   gdcm (poppler)
>   gimp (poppler-glib)
>   gpdftext (poppler-glib)
>   gnome-commander (poppler)
>   gummi (poppler-glib)
>   inkscape (poppler, poppler-glib)
>   koffice (poppler)
>   libreoffice (poppler)
>   luatex (poppler)
>   pdf-presenter-console (poppler-glib)
>   pdf2djvu (poppler)
>   pdf2svg (poppler-glib)
>   pdfcube (poppler-glib)
>   pdfgrep (poppler)
>   pdftoipe (poppler)
>   popplerkit.framework (poppler)
>   referencer (poppler-glib)
>   ruby-gnome2 (poppler-glib)
>   texlive-bin (poppler)
>   tracker (poppler-glib)
>   tumbler (poppler-glib)
>   xournal (poppler-glib)
>   webkit2pdf (poppler-glib)
>   zathura (poppler-glib)

I did a test-rebuild of those packages last friday against poppler 0.16.7-1 from

It turns out, out of these packages gdcm is currently not buildable and fails
during configure. I filed a bug for that [1].
Even after fixing that, the package still ftbfs, due to vtk not being multiarch
ready [2]. Afaics there is no easy fix for the vtk issue and no clear timeframe
when such a fix would be ready.

As a consequence I asked on irc if (temporarily) removing gdcm from testing
would be an option. According to adsb this would affect
gdcm ants insighttoolkit mriconvert

Both adsb and mehdi were ok with that, so I'm planning on uploading poppler to
0.6.17-2 later today.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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