Christophe CURIS wrote:

> From the feedback in your two mails, I would tend to think that the problem 
> is 
> only in Debian squeeze in which I am stuck for now (I did not find courage to 
> switch to testing at the time squeeze froze).

Ah, that makes a lot of sense.  Thanks for clarifying.

> In my case:
>  - tcl is *not* a meta-package
>  - actually, it is even an older version of tcl than the version provided in 
> the package "tcl8.4" !

Looking at the package description, I see:

        This package is a dependency package, which depends on
        Debian's default Tcl version (currently 8.4).

You're right that that's not the full story --- actually, the package
contains a symlink

        /usr/bin/tclsh-default -> tclsh8.4

In any event, it relies on tcl8.4 for functionality.

You're right to point out that tk8.5 works much better for gitk, and
it's unfortunate that squeeze was released with tk8.4 as the default
version.  The only workarounds I know of are to grab the "tcl" and
"tk" packages from wheezy, to use update-alternatives to override the
target of the /usr/bin/wish symlink, or to put a custom wish symlink
somewhere with higher precedence on the $PATH (e.g., in ~/bin when on
a multiuser system you don't control).

Hopefully the above discussion can help the next person who comes
across this.  I'll also look into adding a note to README.Debian
(suggested wording always welcome, of course).


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