On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 02:30:29AM +0200, Marc Dequènes wrote:
> Steve Langasek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > So, I wonder what exactly your intent is here.  Do you mean to say that
> > you don't care about being able to get new versions of pyopenal and soya
> > into testing until the toolchain bug is fixed, and that you don't care
> > whether these packages have to be removed from testing in order to get
> > other updates in?  That's the only way I can interpret a "wontfix" tag
> > on an RC bug.

> I don't see any reason to work around plenty of packages when this is
> for sure an important toolchain bug which cannot be delayed for long and
> my packages are not important ones and are already available
> (unaffected) for most architectures.

I don't see how being unable to use -O3 is "important".  As policy
clearly points out, -O3 is not appropriate as a general-purpose
optimization flag; there are very few packages that actually need it,
and I'm pretty sure it's inappropriate to use as a default optimization
flag for python modules.

> > Since policy does say that you should be using -O2 in most cases, I
> > don't really see why you would wish to ignore the bug when a simple
> > workaround is almost certainly possible.

> Yeah, right.
> Fact is my package is not selecting -O3, this is python distutils'
> choice. So at least _all_ python modules are broken the same way, and
> probably several other packages.

Ok, then it sounds to me like the appropriate thing to do is to reassign
this bug to python, rather than to "wontfix" it.

> So if you really think this toolchain fix is not gonna come this fast, i
> suggest we ask the python maintainers to switch default options to -O2
> and then i would rebuild my packages.

I think that fixing a bug that only affects unnecessary optimization
flags should be considered a lower priority than fixing bugs that cause
failures *without* optimization.  Don't you?

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   http://www.debian.org/

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