On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 02:55:00PM +0200, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:

> I discovered the "missing ucs.dtx" described in my previous message
> while trying to prepare a patch for latex-unicode; I wanted to make
> it a clean patch to the ucs.dtx file (true "original" source), but
> as I did not find that file, here's that patch in form of a patch to
> the ucshyper.sty file directly.

Frank Küster, one of the Debian TeX package maintainers, has found
http://softbase.org/latex-unicode/; I have thus prepared the patch as
a patch to ucs.dtx; it is attached.

I also attach a new version of the patch with the following additional

For increased backwards compatibility, if (pdf)latex is in PDF output
mode, then hyperref is implicitly loaded, as before. However, a
deprecation warning is output.

--- ucs.dtx     2011-01-21 11:55:40.000000000 +0100
+++ src/ucs.dtx 2011-07-28 09:07:12.000000000 +0200
@@ -5765,13 +5765,19 @@
 % \xsection{File \texttt{ucshyper.sty}}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
     UCS: Unicode in Hyperref's PDF bookmarks]%
-  \PackageWarning{ucshyper}{ucshyper needs to be run with
-    pdflatex.\MessageBreak Disabling functionality}%
+\PackageWarning{ucshyper}{ucshyper needs to be run with
+    inputenc utf8x.\MessageBreak Disabling functionality}%
+ \hypersetup{unicode=true}%
+  \PackageWarning{ucshyper}{ucshyper needs to be loaded after
+      hyperref.\MessageBreak Disabling functionality}%
+    \expandafter\endinput%
--- ucs.dtx     2011-01-21 11:55:40.000000000 +0100
+++ src/ucs.dtx 2011-07-28 10:58:25.000000000 +0200
@@ -5765,13 +5765,26 @@
 % \xsection{File \texttt{ucshyper.sty}}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
     UCS: Unicode in Hyperref's PDF bookmarks]%
-  \PackageWarning{ucshyper}{ucshyper needs to be run with
-    pdflatex.\MessageBreak Disabling functionality}%
+\PackageWarning{ucshyper}{ucshyper needs to be run with
+    inputenc utf8x.\MessageBreak Disabling functionality}%
+  \hypersetup{unicode=true}%
+  \ifpdf%
+    \PackageWarning{ucshyper}{Implicit loading of hyperref deprecated;
+        please load hyperref before ucshyper.}%
+    \RequirePackage[pdftex,unicode]{hyperref}
+  \else%
+    \PackageWarning{ucshyper}{ucshyper needs to be loaded after
+        hyperref.\MessageBreak Disabling functionality}%
+      \expandafter\endinput%
+  \fi%

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