On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 03:17:22PM +0100, Marek Majkowski wrote:
> On 07/29/2011 02:53 PM, Jan Dittberner wrote:
> > I'd like to package Pika for Debian. The associated ITP (intend to
> > package) bug in the Debian bug tracking system is [1].
> Great news!
> (I CC Gavin, the maintainer)
> > The Pika web site states that Pika is dual licensed as MPLv1.1 and
> > GPLv2.0 which both are acceptable free software licenses. What made
> > me worry are two things:
> > 
> > - a missing declaration of copyright holders with copyright years in
> >   the COPYING file
> We could copy the copyright holders from LICENSE-MPL-Pika to COPYING,
> though we will end up in the same stuff in two places.
> > - the statement "All rights reserved." at the end of LICENSE-MPL-Pika
> >   that is normally used in proprietary license/copyright texts only
> This is taken from the MPL template.

ok, I've searched the debian-legal archives and came to the same
conclusion. I think it is not necessary to change anything for the
current version. I will copy the copyright holder section from the MPL

On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 10:30:33AM -0400, Gavin M. Roy wrote:
>    Assuming you're like to start with 0.9.5, I'd suggest we make the changes
>    to the files and release a 0.9.5r1 based off the 0.9.5 tag.
>    Let me know if Marek's proposed changes are satisfactory or even
>    necessary. I don't think adding the copyright holders to COPYING creates
>    an issue, however I don't see the value.
>    Debian has approved the MPL in its current form with that verbiage AFAIK:
>    http://wiki.debian.org/DFSGLicenses#MozillaPublicLicense.28MPL.29
>    Gavin

Marek's explaination is sufficient for me. I will continue with the
packaging work.

One thing that would be great for the next release would be to move
the changelog information from README.md to a separate changelog file
that I could include as upstream changelog.

Thanks for the fast responses and the clarification.

Kind Regards,

Jan Dittberner - Debian Developer
GPG-key: 4096R/558FB8DD 2009-05-10
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