Le Sunday 7 August 2011 12:46:48, Alessandro Ghedini a écrit :
> Full build log at [0]. Could you please add "libffi-dev [i386]" to 
> libparrot-dev Depends field or disable ffi support on i386?

If you look at /usr/include/parrot/3.6.0/parrot/parrot.h, you see there's 
nothing arc specific regarding inclusion of ffi.h:

#  include <ffi.h>

Note that parrot was uploaded as a i386 package, so the package for this arch 
was not built by buildd, but was built on a development machine.

My best guess is that parrot/i386 was built in an environment with libffi, but 
this build dependency was not declared.

If I'm right, the proper fix is a build-dep on libffi-dev for all arch.

I would also suggest parrot uploader to upload parrot built from cowbuilder 
(or pbuilder) instead of using the one built on your machine. 

[ come to think of it, this also applies to rakudo. Bad dod. bad :-/  ]

All the best.

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