OoO En  cette fin  de nuit blanche  du jeudi  11 août 2011,  vers 05:52,
Vincent Cheng <> disait :

> Well, I trust Dererk's word, so I'm not all that inclined to trouble
> the ftp-masters again. Vincent, are you satisfied with Dererk's reply,
> or would you like me to contact the ftp-masters regardless?

> As for the issue of users with only main enabled in their sources.list
> being left with a conky that's somewhat stripped of features
> (conky-std), I plan to address this by enabling a few more common
> features in conky-std (rather than adding another binary package); see
> #579893 for details. Is that an acceptable solution for you?

Fine by me.
Vincent Bernat ☯

Make sure input cannot violate the limits of the program.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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