Hi Julien

> You mention in your email that Ajaxterm crashes (or so) when you raise 'ls 
> -l'.
> Do you have any files/directories with specific encodings in your ~/ ?
> what locale do you use on your server?

The locale of the user I log in with is set to en_US. There was one file with a 
umlaut. After I renamed the file, ajaxterm doesn't crash when calling ls -l.

How do I find out the exact encoding of a file name?

> > By the way, I can confirm the problem that ajaxterm does not react on
> > Ctrl+C when in non-daemon mode:
> >
> > ^CTraceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "/usr/share/ajaxterm/ajaxterm.py", line 652, in main
> >     g_server.serve_forever()
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/SocketServer.py", line 224, in serve_forever
> >     r, w, e = select.select([self], [], [], poll_interval)
> > KeyboardInterrupt
> I fail to understand what is the problem there?

I can't terminate the daemon. Shouldn't that be possible with ctrl+c?


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