
> Possibly related: I just got and verified a report from our organization
> that it's currently impossible to mark 2 issues as 'related'. Trying to do
> so shows a 'Redmine API' HTTP authentication requester, when canceling I see
> this in logs:
> Processing IssueRelationsController#new (for at 2011-08-12
> 12:49:19) [POST]
>   Parameters: {"commit"=>"Add", "issue_id"=>"283", "action"=>"new",
> "authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "relation"=>{"delay"=>"",
> "issue_to_id"=>"282", "relation_type"=>"relates"}, "id"=>"283",
> "controller"=>"issue_relations"}
> Filter chain halted as [:check_if_login_required] rendered_or_redirected.
> Completed in 3ms (View: 0, DB: 0) | 401 Unauthorized [
> http://redmine/issues/283/relations/283]

We experienced the Problem you were describing in this mail as well, but
not the orginal problem you posted in the original bug report as we are
using stable with redmine packages from backports (1.1.2-2~bpo60+1), so
no newer version of librack-ruby is involved.

The problem with marking 2 issues as 'related' has to do with the
autocompleter function, which is looking for an existing issue number,
while you're typing in the number. The only way to circumvent this
problem was to comment out the relating functions:

- line 209 to 233 in public/javascripts/application.js
- line 665 to 666 in public/stylesheets/application.css

Best regards,


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