Package: ripit
Version: 3.9.0-2
Severity: normal

When querying for track info using MusicBrainz, ripit uses the music
brainz id instead of the discid, which leads to the return of tracks
for the first disc instead of tracks for the second disk. The trivial
patch attached searches for track information using the discid instead
of the mbid, solving this issue.

Don Armstrong

[A] theory is falsifiable [(and therefore scientific) only] if the
class of its potential falsifiers is not empty.
 -- Sir Karl Popper _The Logic of Scientific Discovery_ ยง21    
--- /home/don/bin/ripit	2011-08-26 10:01:58.000000000 -0700
+++ /usr/bin/ripit	2011-04-26 05:26:31.000000000 -0700
@@ -1532,11 +1531,11 @@
    print TMP "barcode: $barcode\n" if($barcode);
    # Retrieve the track list.
-   eval {$mbid_response = $service->search({ DISCID => $discid, INC => 'tracks' });};
+   eval {$mbid_response = $service->search({ MBID => $mbid, INC => 'tracks' });};
       print "\nMusicBrainz lookup failed... 2nd try in 3s:\n" if($verbose > 3);
       sleep 3;
-      eval {$mbid_response = $service->search({ DISCID => $discid, INC => 'tracks' });};
+      eval {$mbid_response = $service->search({ MBID => $mbid, INC => 'tracks' });};
          print "\nMusicBrainz lookup failed! Using freedb instead.\n"
             if($verbose > 3);

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