Hi Holger (2011.08.28_19:23:20_+0200)
> Maybe you can come up with an enhanced patch which gracefully deals with the 
> non-existance of eatmydata, so we can turn the depends into a recommends 
> without annoying people who dont install recommends... 

Non-existance of eatmydata in the chroot was already dealt with.
Although non-existance of eatmydata when creating the chroot (i.e.
pre-squeeze / pre-maverick) isn't dealt with. That is best worked around
by the user using --no-eatmydata.

Additional patch for non-existance of eatmydata on the host attached
(and in my branch on alioth 

For future maintainability, can I also suggest my "whitespace" branch on
alioth? It's equivalent to
$ sed -i -e 's/\t/        /g; s/ *$//' piuparts.py
$ wrap-and-sort -s


Stefano Rivera
  H: +27 21 465 6908 C: +27 72 419 8559  UCT: x3127
commit 55181612611760f6b4f0bed7d9eca7617a5c4729
Author: Stefano Rivera <stef...@rivera.za.net>
Date:   Thu Sep 1 18:06:35 2011 +0200

    move eatmydata to Recommends

diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 7559426..97ea27c 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ X-Python-Version: >= 2.6
 Package: piuparts
 Architecture: all
 Depends: apt, ${python:Depends}, debootstrap, lsof, lsb-release, 
-    python-debian, ${misc:Depends}, python-debianbts, python-apt, eatmydata
+    python-debian, ${misc:Depends}, python-debianbts, python-apt
+Recommends: eatmydata
 Suggests: python-rpy, ghostscript
 Description: .deb package installation, upgrading, and removal testing tool
  piuparts tests that .deb packages (as used by Debian) handle
diff --git a/piuparts.py b/piuparts.py
index 11ee012..3a335ca 100644
--- a/piuparts.py
+++ b/piuparts.py
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ class Chroot:
         """Unpack a tarball to a chroot."""
         logging.debug("Unpacking %s into %s" % (tarball, self.name))
         prefix = []
-        if settings.eatmydata:
+        if settings.eatmydata and os.path.isfile('/usr/bin/eatmydata'):
         run(prefix + ["tar", "-C", self.name, "-zxf", tarball])
@@ -738,14 +738,15 @@ class Chroot:
         """Set up a minimal Debian system in a chroot."""
         logging.debug("Setting up minimal chroot for %s at %s." % 
               (settings.debian_distros[0], self.name))
+        prefix = []
+        if settings.eatmydata and os.path.isfile('/usr/bin/eatmydata'):
+            prefix.append('eatmydata')
         if settings.do_not_verify_signatures:
           logging.info("Warning: not using --keyring option when running debootstrap!")
-        prefix = []
         options = [settings.keyringoption]
         if settings.eatmydata:
             options.append('--components=%s' % ','.join(settings.debian_mirrors[0][1]))
-            prefix.append('eatmydata')
         run(prefix + ["debootstrap", "--variant=minbase"] + options +
             [settings.debian_distros[0], self.name, settings.debian_mirrors[0][0]])

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