On Mon, Aug 08, 2011 at 11:57:22AM +0200, Dominique Dumont wrote:
> Theoritically, the following commands should trigger a rakudo rebuild 
> once parrot has been binNMU'ed. Hope I'm right
>  nmu parrot_3.6.0-1 . i386 . -m 'rebuild to exclude libffi (fix config 
> mismatch between arches and rakudo FTBS)'


>  dw rakudo_0.1~2011.07-1 . i386 . -m '(>= parrot_3.6.0-1+b1)'

dw rakudo_0.1~2011.07-1 . i386 . -m 'libparrot-dev (>= 3.6.0-1+b1)'

Philipp Kern

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