thanks for this patch, it applies nicely and i can compile sasl too,
but, i can't get it working with md5 passwords in my database (it works,
when i use DES and crypt_trad, but not with md5 ones)

I added $1$ in front of my testing password, but it still doesn't work,
it generates completely different checksum, than the one in db

I have password 'test2', which has checksum of

In mysql things are like this
mysql> select password from email where email='libor.klepac';
| password                            |
| $1$ad0234829205b9033196ba818f7a872b |
(generated with "update email set password=concat('$1$',md5('test2'))
where email='libor.klepac';")

And i have little debug output in checkpw.c which says
password_format 2
src $1$ad0234829205b9033196ba818f7a872b
src[0] $ src[1] 1 src[2] $
crypt(passwd, salt)  $1$ad023482$gL0dBmmRyAFxHh9aATaf20
passwd test2 salt  $1$ad0234829
auxprop_values[0].values[0] $1$ad0234829205b9033196ba818f7a872b

So, the checksum generated with crypt is totally different.
i don't know, what i'm doing wrong. Do i have to do something with salt
length, or use something completely different?


libor klepac

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