On lun., 2011-09-05 at 12:24 +0200, Markus Koschany wrote:
> I think the bug is related to bug 640123. After debugging claws-mail
> and midori with gdb i receive the same suspicious error message:
> midori: 
> /build/buildd-cairo_1.10.2-6.1-i386-UoYIV1/cairo-1.10.2/src/cairo-surface.c:1287:
>  cairo_surface_set_device_offset: Assertion »status == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS« 
> failed
> If i deactivate POP3 SSL in claws-mail or don't view https websites
> both applications work fine. So maybe it is related to a ssl library
> or libcairo2? 

Can you then try to downgrade libgcrypt?


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