tags 641619 + pending

On Wed, 2011-09-14 at 20:20 +0300, Nick wrote:
> If to use tabulation instead of a gap in a file/etc/nslcd.conf
> that the script/etc/init.d/nslcd will fail.
> Problem in a regular expression.
> For example:
> krb5_ccname FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_ 0  - correct
> krb5_ccname<tab>FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_ 0 - incorrect

Thanks for pointing this out. I went over all regular expressions again
and made use of whitespace matching consistent again. Btw, I use
[:space:] instead of \s because the former is POSIX compliant.


-- arthur - adej...@debian.org - http://people.debian.org/~adejong --

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