On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 01:03:02PM +0200, Bernhard Schmidt wrote:
> Debian. I've tried the BDB Upgrade script Marc Haber wrote with your
> assistance, but it does not work (at least not for the upgrade
> squeeze->wheezy (4.8 -> 5.1).
> Since I do not have much knowledge about BDB, I'm at loss here. Do
> you have any idea?

This script is a workaround for the lack of a version independant

You can try to run db5.1_recover in the /var/lib/torrus/db/
directory. You may wish to read the man page, though.

Please stop anything acessing the db before, which inlcudes
torrus itself, but also apache for its embedded perl module.

Best regards,


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