> It is included in the bug report:

Right. Sorry I missed it.

> I assumed these both check the file in the same manner; Can't tell if
> config-edit errs here or lintian. Just reporting my findings.

I guess that both tries to interpret correctly the DEP-5 specification...

Anyway, config-edit DEP-5 parser is tripped off by the X-Note comment placed 
before the License keyword in the stand-alone license paragraph.

DEP-5 mentions that "Extra fields can be added to any paragraph.", but does 
not specify whether these extra fields can be appended or prepended to 
paragraphs. :-(

Anyway, I can make the parser more tolerant. This will be fixed in next 
Config::Model release.

This does not answer the question whether lintian should call config-edit or 
not. I'll let lintian maintainer decide. 

I'm ready to answer any question they may have.

All the best

http://config-model.wiki.sourceforge.net/ -o- http://search.cpan.org/~ddumont/
http://www.ohloh.net/accounts/ddumont     -o- http://ddumont.wordpress.com/

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