severity 637236 important
It appears that gcc-4.6 4.6.1-13 built successfully on the buildd,
fano.d.o. Downgrading this bug so gcc-4.6 can migrate to testing.
However the buildd logs contain a disturbing history of failures,
retries and eventual successes:
4.6.1-13 OK on fano
FTBFS on fasch
FTBFS on fasch
FTBFS on fano
4.6.1-12 OK on fano
4.6.1-11 OK on fasch
FTBFS on fasch
FTBFS on fano
4.6.1-10 OK on fasch
FTBFS on fasch
4.6.1-9 OK on fasch
FTBFS on fasch
FTBFS on fasch
FTBFS on fano
I would very much like to understand the changes on both buildd
machines that allow the package to build, or cause it to FTBFS.
Ludovic Brenta.
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