On Tue, 02 Aug 2011 10:32:06 +0200 Andreas Neudecker wrote:

> I have now installed Midori on a different machine. The same happens
> here and the file /etc/xdg/midori/config has the lines:
> ----8<----
> [settings]
> homepage=file:///usr/share/doc/midori/user/midori.html
> ---->8----
> To make sure this was not due to some old config files lying around from
> the past, I purged the midori package, checked that the config folder
> /etc/xdg/midori is gone and reinstalled the package. Same result.
> Version is from testing (wheezy).

Hi Andreas,
I am another user of the midori package.

I've recently installed midori version 0.4.0-2 and I have not
experienced the bug you reported:

  $ cat /etc/xdg/midori/config 


By looking at the Debian changelog, it seems to me that this bug was
fixed by version 0.3.6-2, which, however, did not close the bug report.

If you confirm that the bug is no longer present in midori >= 0.3.6-2 ,
I think this bug report may be safely closed (as fixed in version

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