On Wed, 05 Oct 2011 06:33:33 +0200 Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:

> On mar., 2011-10-04 at 23:37 +0200, Francesco Poli wrote:
> > > But this has nothing to do with this bug.
> > 
> > Do you mean that the issues I am experiencing have nothing to do with
> > the bug reported by the original submitter (that is to say, the failed
> > SSL handshake)?
> > I agree: this is why I wrote
> > 
> > | If the original issue has vanished (as it seems to me), maybe we
> > should
> > | re-title the bug report...
> Why exactly would you retitle the bug report? If this is related, then
> just follow up, if this is a new bug, just open a new one...

You are right and I normally agree with this line of reasoning, except
that, in the present case, I was following up to a follow up...   ;-)

> > 
> > 
> > What is the best course of action, in your opinion?
> > Should I file the lack of SSL certificate management and verification
> > as a separate bug report, so that you can properly forward it
> > upstream?
> This is already done, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/midori/+bug/706857


> > Or do you prefer re-titling and clarifying bug #607497 ?
> Yes.

Fine, I'll add some information to bug #607497, then.

> > Should this bug (#595813) be closed, in the meanwhile? 
> Maybe, but please let the original reporter do it.

Sure, I usually try to avoid hi-jacking bug reports!   ;-)

However, since at least three people (you, dbb, and me) don't seem to
experience the issues reported by the original submitter, I think that
he should be contacted and kindly requested to check whether he's still
able to reproduce the bug. In the meanwhile the bug could be tagged
"unreproducible" and "moreinfo".
In case the original submitter does not reply in a reasonable time
frame, I think the bug report will have to be closed...

Thanks a lot for your time and your kindness!

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